Welcome to Cake is the new black, a blog devoted to kitchen experiments and rambles of a girl (who imagines she is still rather young).
About me:

Well, you could easily click the ‘About me’ section above, but that would spoil all the fun that people get in reading self-introductions, wouldn’t it?
I’m basically a pretty average Singaporean girl. Too bogged down by studies to pursue other interests in life (nah I’m kidding… or maybe not). I’ve always loved artsy, whimsical and pretty things. My past ambitions include being a singer, an actress, a professional dancer (thanks to Dirty Dancing), an artist, a fashion designer… (the list goes on and on). For a person with such a wide array of interests, baking and making beautiful pastries is something that has never strayed from my heart. It gives me that sense of relaxation when I’m stressed, and allows me to express my creativity in ways I could never imagine.
What Cake is the new black is all about:
Since I was young, my mom taught me that everything should be made from scratch. And because of that, I’ve never in my life, used an instant mix (really not judging anyone who uses it. I’ve tasted ’em and they taste pretty good). I know it really pays off when I give away my baked goodies and see the look on my friends’ faces. That appreciation and joy really makes all the hard work worth it!
I guess what I want to do here is to just showcase some of the things that I do in the kitchen and perhaps, challenge myself to bake better, invent creative and beautiful desserts, improve my photography skills and write about something I really love.
Why “Cake is the new black”???:
Coming up with a name really wasn’t easy. I was texting Joyee just a couple of days ago (we should have been studying) and we started throwing out truckload of names. When she said ‘Cake is the new black’, I stopped for awhile, and decided that I loved it. Combining two things I really love: cake and fashion, the name couldn’t have been better.
Well, that’s all for now in my little introduction! But do stay tuned for updates on what I’m going to be whipping up in the kitchen 
Image credits: JunJie from The Meatmen