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Tagged: Le Cordon Bleu Paris

Lesson 8: Dome aux Marrons


So after an amazing weekend in London chomping down all that Asian goodness for Lunar New Year, I was back in school, ever ready for an awesome week ahead.

I’d seen the cake that we’d be making this week (Dome aux Marrons –> Chesnut Dome) on Instagram (via the LCB location tag) before and was super excited to work on it. The aesthetic of the cake, in my opinion, is simply amazing. It also reminds me of the Esplanade back home in Singapore – kinda like a durian haha.

I really enjoyed the demo, with Chef Verger showing us how to use the spray gun for the first time ever! I’ve always been very intrigued by this effect that’s commonly used by pastry shops so knowing that I was going to be repeating it in practical was very exciting for me.

Unfortunately, I didn’t take too well to the taste of the chesnut (the cake is three layers of halzenut dacquoise, chesnut mousse and piped all round with chesnut cream). Although I’m a fan of freshly roasted chesnuts, these canned/candied ones were too sweet for my liking (probably the same reason why I’m not a fan of mont blanc).

Practical was awesome – we got Chef Park again 😀 Class is always very organised and calm under her watch. As usual, Jianhua and I split up the recipe and got cracking. Really enjoy working with her! The best partner I could ever ask for :*

Ended up with what I think I can call a pretty decent chesnut dome 🙂 Excited to try this again when I’m back home, albeit in another flavour (will also have to buy myself a spray gun hehe).

The next few posts are just going to be about chocolate and more chocolate so I’m thinking of lumping them all together. But we’ll see, I’m getting slower and lazier in my post updates haha :p



Lesson 7: Choquette Tart with Maple Syrup

Hi everyone!

Writing this as a super belated post so hopefully I remember all the details :p

When I first saw this recipe (or more like the name of the recipe), I thought it was really strange that we were doing something with maple syrup. The first thing that ran through my head was – how’s maple syrup even vaguely close to anything French?

Also, when demo started and I saw that there was a generous serving of chantilly maple cream, I figured that I wouldn’t be a fan of this dessert (cos too much cream always makes me feel sick). However, I realised during tasting that I was very wrong. The base of this tart was amazing – a deconstructed sable crumble with hazelnut and milk chocolate. It was pure decadence. Even the chantilly cream, lightly flavoured with maple syrup, had an amazing texture and flavour that was well complemented by the choquettes on the side, filled with coffee pastry cream.

Needless to say, this tart had quite a few components, hinting at the fact that we’d need to be quick during practical (+ the fact that we needed to temper chocolate for the squares on top).

We got Chef Park for practical, something that I was very happy about. She’s always very calm and the aura that she exudes during class really gets us (me at least) into this rhythm of doing work. The whole practical went very smoothly except for a point where I put my wire rack with the parchment paper and sable on it on top of the stove (we have the induction kinds and I didn’t realise it was on), burning the paper a bit. Oops!

Because I’d done piping with the St Honore tip before, the piping part of the tart went pretty smoothly 🙂 Really loving all the piping work we’ve had to do.

As it was CNY weekend, I rushed home, grabbed my bags & took a train to London to spend the new year’s with Mena Jie and family 🙂 (+Amanda Jie & a couple of Mena Jie’s friends were there so that was awesome). It was a caloric-filled weekend with lots of Asian cuisine that was amazing and making my stomach extremely happy, made even better because I got to see Syaz & Pin that weekend too.

Anyhoo, going to try update more frequently over the next few weeks. I’m a good 6 classes behind right now :S




Lessons 5 & 6: Choux Craquant au Chocolat Noir and Opéra


So in my last two posts, I mentioned that I’d be talking about some delicious chocolate desserts that we had to make for practical. Instead of just covering the one lesson that I’d intended to talk about, I decided to combine the two lessons into one post, since they were both on chocolate & very delicious (also cos if I keep updating it post by post, I’ll end up being quite behind oopsie).

Lesson 5

Translated, the choux craquant au chocolat noir is a dark chocolate craquelin choux (basically a dark chocolate choux pastry with a craquelin layer – the craquant is that bumpy thing you see on top). For this lesson, Chef demonstrated this dessert and the religious nuns – another choux dessert but filled with caramel cream instead of chocolate ones. Pictorially, the religious nuns looked more complex and challenging to make. Taste-wise, however, I must say that the chocolate choux was way better, making me glad after tasting the two desserts that we were making the latter.

We had Chef Olivier for practical. He started off by warning us that two groups that’d made the dessert in the morning were unable to complete their desserts within the 3 hours. This made all of us pretty worried – the choux seemed really simple during demo – how could it be that bad?

Alas, when practical started, I began to understand why we were so time-pressed. For starters, Chef had instructed all of us to do all the components individually, rather than in pairs. Because the quantities were so small, it might little sense for us to use mixer either –> more time spent on making & more work for each of us. There are also so many components to this dessert – the choux, the choc pastry cream, the craquelin, a lovely hazelnut praline chocolate insert and the glaze.

At the end of class, Chef informed us that we were his first class to finish everything on time, with 5 minutes to spare. Was pretty proud of my group for this feat & glad that everything turned out well.

This is probably one of my favourite desserts thus far & I’m glad that I managed to give some of these away to people I met over the weekend 🙂

Lesson 6

From Day 1, I’d been counting down the days till I’d have to make the elusive Opéra. I recall that back in Basic in 2013, Intermediate students would come out of the Opéra demos with their aprons all stained with chocolate & warning us that the cake was one that we wouldn’t want to mess with.

I braced myself for the demo and told myself that everything would be all right. Chef showed us how the entire cake was done, skillfully and effortlessly putting together the layers. He made it all seem so simple and manageable that I left the demo room feeling less nervous than when I’d stepped in.

We got Chef Jean Jacques for this practical, which was kind of a relief to me because he’s generally more chill (i.e. less pressurizing during prac class, especially for a cake like this which requires intense concentration, in my opinion). The whole practical was fine, less my buttercream. I ended up having not enough cream for the two layers (you can see from my pics that I have only have one visible layer of buttercream oops) and needed chef’s help to spread the top layer 🙁 Thankfully we covered the cake with a layer of chocolate glaze, hiding the defect of my cake. Really wondering why I keep having issues with creams this set :/

The wording “Opéra” on the top of the cake is a traditional style of décor that was used when the cake was first created. So even though none of us find it attractive, we all had to pipe it out. Furthermore, the writing of the word “Opéra” is going to be tested for the Intermediate set’s technical component :S

I loved the taste of this cake and am glad I managed to share the cake with others (Charlie, Robyn & Sarah and Mena Jie’s family). Albeit challenging, this cake is definitely manageable and just requires a calm state of mind to complete 🙂

Well I’ve come to the end of this super long post – stay tuned for the next dessert + a snippet of my weekend to London for CNY!

